Perspective is what matters. A scientist sees elements and an artist sees the aesthetical combination of those elements. However, there are no hard and fast …
There is something ethereal about Sajal Patra’s paintings. The very presence of his works transports the viewers to a different experiential realm where the absence …
A group exhibition titled “Perichoresis” was inaugurated on March 29 at Bharat Space Art Gallery, Gurgaon. This exhibition will continue till April 19, this exhibition …
अंग्रेजी में प्रकाशित होनेवाली कला पत्रिका “क्रिएटिव माइंड” के प्रबंध संपादक मनोज त्रिपाठी ने वरिष्ठ कला समीक्षक, कला इतिहासकार और क्यूरेटर, जोनी एमएल से बातचीत …